When you come to an unfamiliar word in the text, you can look for context clues that explain the meaning. A synonym clue gives a word or phrase that means almost the same as the unfamiliar word. An antonym clue gives a word or phrase that means the opposite of the unfamiliar word.
Figure Out the Meaning Tell the meaning of each underlined word.
Explain how you used the context clues.
1. I never suspected that Mr. García was a member of the secret police. It was unbelievable!
2. “You must be more careful,” Mami pleaded. “Getting involved in politics is risky.”
3. Mami looked startled at first, but then tried to calm herself.
4. Mr. García sneered and made fun of Carlos’s dreams of playing baseball.
1 Conduct Research Find out about other people or groups that have fought for human rights, as the Mirabal sisters did. Use different sources of information, including history books, the Internet, and experts.
Experience the stories of other freedom-seeking groups around the world.
2 Collect Facts Gather narrative accounts about the group you researched. Plan a presentation. Organize your ideas. Collect pictures, maps, and other visuals that you can use in your talk.
3 Make a Narrative Presentation Begin by providing background information so listeners can imagine the events. Give a narrative account of the group you chose. Include interesting details. Explain why people should know about the group.
Artist Elsa Nuñez honored the Mirabal sisters by painting this monument in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic.