In “Rachel the Clever,” Rachel uses her cleverness to save her relationship with the king. Give a presentation about a situation when you had to use one of your talents to overcome or to accomplish something.
1 Choose a Situation Think about what you’re good at. Are you a good runner? Can you talk to anyone without feeling shy? Once you pick your talent, think about a time when it has been useful.
2 Plan Your Presentation Follow these steps to gather information for your presentation:
• Write down as many details about the situation as you can. Include what happened, when and why it happened, and how you felt about it.
• Think of a message that your audience could take from your story. What did you learn from the situation?
• Use descriptive words and phrases to give details.
3 Practice Your Presentation Follow these steps to improve your presentation skills:
I was always a fast runner as a kid. But I had no idea that running would one day help my team win the Little League championship.
• Think of different ways to begin. Choose the one that is the most interesting.
• Use your voice and gestures to make your presentation interesting.
• Practice until you are very familiar with your notes and only have to glance at them.
4 Give Your Presentation Follow these steps to keep your presentation interesting:
• Make eye contact with your audience.
• Speak clearly and loudly.
• Use your notes as little as possible.