Most synonyms and antonyms have different shades of meaning. For example, clever is a stronger word than smart, but brilliant is even stronger than clever. Dumb means the opposite of smart, but stupid is an even stronger word.
You can show the relationship among these words on a Synonym-Antonym Scale like this one.
Synonym-Antonym Scale
Make a Synonym-Antonym Scale With a partner, find the words below in “A Contest of Riddles” or “Atalanta’s Race.” Make a Synonym-Antonym Scale for each word. Use a thesaurus if you need help.
1. rejoice
2. arrogant
3. bitter
4. immediately
5. valuable
Write a summary of “A Contest of Riddles” or “Atalanta’s Race” using a word from one of your Synonym-Antonym Scales.
1 Choose a Scene In a small group, choose a scene from “A Contest of Riddles” to act out. Pick roles to perform. To study your part, think about these questions:
• What is my character like?
• How should my character’s voice sound? How should my character move?
2 Practice the Scene Practice reading the scene with your group.
• Speak your role as if you are that person. Use your voice to show how the character feels.
• Use the stage directions to help you know how to speak and move.
3 Perform the Scene Read aloud the scene with your group in front of the class. Briefly explain the events that take place before your scene. This helps the audience know where the scene begins.