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Literary Analysis: Analyze Text Structure: Chronological Order

How Is Writing Organized? Some writing is organized by time order, or chronological order. Time words give clues about when events happen. Writers use time words to put events in the correct sequence.

Read the following passage. As you read, take note of time words that help you identify the sequence of events.

Practice Together

Begin a Sequence Chain A Sequence Chain can help you analyze text that is organized in chronological order. This Sequence Chain shows the first event from the passage above. Each oval shows a different event. Reread the passage above, and add to the Sequence Chain.

Sequence Chain

Sequence Chain

Try It!

Complete the Sequence Chain Look back at “The Lotus Seed” and make a Sequence Chain with all of the events in the story. You will need to add to the beginning and end of the chain you already started. With a partner, compare your Sequence Chains.

Retell the Story In a small group, use your Sequence Chain to tell Bá’s story in your own words. Use time words and actual dates to help your listeners follow the sequence of events.