Connect Reading and Writing

Critical Thinking

  • 1. SUM IT UP Create a Description Chart that describes images of each setting shown in “The Lotus Seed.” Use it as you summarize the story to a partner.

  • 2. Compare In what ways do Bá from “The Lotus Seed” and Halmoni from “A Suitcase of Seaweed” choose to remember their homes? Explain.

  • 3. Speculate Why is it important to Bá that her grandchildren never forget the story of the emperor? Explain.

  • 4. Inference Why might the emperor have lost his throne? Use details from the story to support your ideas.

Reading Fluency

Intonation Read the passage on page 654 to a partner. Assess your fluency.

  • 1. I read

    • a. great

    • b. OK

    • c. not very well

  • 2. What I did best in my reading was ______.

Reading Strategy

Vocabulary Review

Oral Review Read the paragraph aloud. Add the vocabulary words.

Written Review Imagine you are Bá and you just arrived in Vietnam again after many years. Write a journal entry describing your memories and impressions. Use four vocabulary words.

Illustration of the pen icon Write About the Guiding Question

Explore a New Chapter

Write an opinion paragraph responding to this statement: “It is important to remember the past.” Use details from the selection to support your ideas.