A Suitcase of Seaweed

by Janet Wong
Across the ocean
from Korea
my grandmother,
my Halmoni,
5 has come—
her suitcase
sealed shut
with tape,
packed full
10of sheets
of shiny black
and stacks
of dried squid.
15 We break it open,
this old treasure
chest of hers,
our noses
20 tight
as we release
its ripe
sea smell.
Critical Viewing: Effect Why does the moving water turn into a woman? What kind of mood, or feeling does the artist create?

Critical Viewing: Effect Why does the moving water turn into a woman? What kind of mood, or feeling does the artist create?

River Maiden, 1997, Wonsook Kim. Acrylic on canvas, collection of the artist.

Reprinted with the permission of Margaret K. McElderry Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division, from A SUITCASE OF SEAWEED AND OTHER POEMS by Janet S. Wong. Copyright © 1996 by Janet S. Wong. All rights reserved.