1. SUM IT UP Make a card for each vocabulary word. Use at least five of your cards to help you summarize what you know about U.S. immigrants.
2. Make Judgments What do you think is the hardest part of adjusting to a new culture? Why?
3. Compare In “The Lemon Story,” what difficulties does the mother have in learning a foreign language? Compare that to the difficulties immigrants face in “Immigrants Today.”
4. Explain How do immigrants preserve their cultures?
Phrasing Read the passage on page 655 to a partner. Assess your fluency.
1. I read
a. great
b. OK
c. not very well
2. What I did best in my reading was _____.
Oral Review Read the paragraph aloud. Add the vocabulary words.
My great-grandmother came to the United States as an ______ from Europe after World War II. Because of war, she often did not have enough food to eat. She left to escape ______. At first, it was hard to ______ to life in a ______ country. But she met wonderful people in her new ______. Together, they opened a ______ shop nearby that sells arts and crafts from their home countries. She said selling the art helps to ______ her culture. Some of the art is so beautiful that I think it belongs in a ______.
Written Review Imagine you could donate one object to a museum to represent your culture. Write a paragraph to explain what you would choose and why. Use four vocabulary words.
Explore New Beginnings
Why do people leave their homes to start over in a foreign country? Write your ideas. Give examples from the text and your own life.