“Brothers in Hope” and “Refugees Find New Lives” tell about boys who lose their homes and families but find new lives elsewhere. Compare how the authors of the selections treat this topic.
Venn Diagram
Collect and Organize Information To compare information in two texts, you can organize it in a Venn Diagram. On your paper, write what is different under each title. Write what is the same in the middle part.
Compare the Information Analyze the information in the Venn Diagram. Compare how each selection addresses the topic. Write about the parts that are the same first. Then write about the parts that are different. Here is the beginning of a comparison between the two selections.
Make a chart and add information on how the two selections are different. Compare the differences. You may want to use this frame to help you express your ideas.
Even though both selections are about the same topic, they are different genres. “Brothers in Hope” is ______. The author probably uses this genre to ______. She treats the topic by ______. “Refugees Find New Lives” is ______. The author probably chose this genre to ______. She treats the topic by ______.