Photograph of the title page of the selection “The Human Machine”
Selection 1 Overview
  • Build Background

  • Language & Grammar

    Define and Explain

    Use Possessive Nouns

  • Prepare to Read

    Learn Key Vocabulary

    Learn a Reading Strategy

    Determine Importance

  • Read and Write

    Focus on Genre

    Science Article

    Apply the Reading Strategy

    Determine Importance

    Critical Thinking

    Reading Fluency

    Read with Appropriate Phrasing

    Vocabulary Review

    Write About the Guiding Question

  • Connect Across the Curriculum

    Literary Analysis

    Analyze Text Structure: Main Idea and Details

    Vocabulary Study

    Use Context Clues:

    Definition and Restatement


    Analyze Breathing Rate


    Deliver an Informative Presentation

    Language and Grammar

    Define and Explain

    Writing and Grammar

    Write About Athletes

Build Background
See the Body in Action

The human body is an amazing machine with many parts that work together. These parts help us walk, run, swim, and perform our best.


Idea Web Think about how the parts of your body work as you swim. In a group, make an Idea Web. Share your web with the class.

Idea Web

Idea Web