Connect Reading and Writing

Critical Thinking

  • 1. SUM IT UP Make a chart. Identify the three body systems you learned about. Describe each function, and list the organs and body parts involved.

    SystemFunctionParts Involved
    digestivebreaks down food into nutrients the body can useteeth, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, liver, pancreas, villi, large intestine
  • 2. Make Judgments Examine the Idea Web you made on page 264. Do you or your teammates want to make any changes or additions? Explain.

  • 3. Infer Blood circulates faster when we exercise. Given what you know about how the heart beats, why do you think this is true?

  • 4. Compare Explain how “The Human Machine” and “My Fabulous Footprint” each examine what the human body does.

Reading Fluency

Phrasing Read the passage on page 657 to a partner. Assess your fluency.

  • 1. I read

    • a. great

    • b. OK

    • c. not very well

  • 2. What I did best in my reading was _______.

Reading Strategy

Vocabulary Review

Oral Review Read the paragraph aloud. Add the vocabulary words.

Do you know what’s _______ in keeping you alive? The human body is organized into many different _______. Let’s _______ how your lungs work. Your lungs take in _______ from the air you breathe. That oxygen to every tiny _______ in your body. Your blood carries it through the _______ to and from your heart. This makes your heart one of the most important _______ in your body.

Written Review Imagine you were small enough to take a trip through the circulatory system. Write a journal entry about what you would see, touch, and hear on your trip. Use four vocabulary words.

Illustration of the pen icon Write About the Guiding Question

Explore the Amazing Human Body

What is the most amazing thing about how your body’s systems work? Write your opinion. Reread the selection to find details that support your opinion.