Vocabulary Study: Use Context Clues: Definition and Restatement
  • • A definition clue defines the word in the text. Some words that signal a definition clue are called, is/are, and this means.

    EXAMPLEVeins are blood vessels that carry blood back to your heart.
  • • A restatement clue says the same thing in a different way. One word that signals a restatement clue is or.

    EXAMPLEUse a microscope to examine, or study, cells.

Use the context clues to figure out the meaning of each underlined word.

  • 1. Villi are fingerlike structures that line the small intestine.

  • 2. Digestive juices break food into sources of nourishment, or nutrients.

  • 3. The diaphragm is a sheet of muscle beneath your lungs.

  • 4. Inside each lung are millions of air sacs called alveoli.

Experiment/Viewing: Analyze Breathing Rate


Do an experiment to learn more about the respiratory system.

  • 1 Find Breathing Rates Count how many breaths you take in one minute. Write down your results on a piece of paper. Next, jog in place for one minute. Then count how many breaths you take in one minute. Write down those results.

  • 2 Graph and Discuss Results How did your two breathing rates compare? Why do you think they were different? With your class, make a bar graph that shows everyone’s results. What were the most common breathing rates?

After Exercise

  • yellow shading = after exerciseAfter Exercise

  • blue shading = restingResting