Language and Grammar, continued



Use Possessive Adjectives

A possessive adjective tells who someone or something belongs to.

  • My, your, his, her, its, our, and their are possessive adjectives.

  • • The possessive adjective always comes before a noun.

  • • Match the possessive adjective to the noun or pronoun that it goes with.

    I  myI have a healthy heart. Dr. Lee listens to my heart once a year.
    youyourDo you go to Dr. Lee? Yes. Is Dr. Lee your doctor, too?
    hehisTom bikes everyday. He rides to school. Is that his bike?
    sheherMy sister is a swimmer. She is good. You should see her exercise program!
    ititsMy sister’s program is tough. Its goal is to decrease her heart rate.
    weourWe got a new exercise machine. Our old machine is broken.
    theytheirDr. Lee and the nurse advised us to eat healthy food. Try their healthy snacks.

Practice Together

Say each sentence and add the correct form.

  • 1. Is that (he/his) basketball?

  • 2. No, it is (you/my) ball.

  • 3. (They/Their) team is not very fit.

  • 4. (We/Our) players are faster.

  • 5. Should I play on their team or (you/your) team?

Try It!

Say each sentence. Write the correct form on a card. Then say each sentence, and add the correct form.

  • 6. You can play on (I/my) team if you want.

  • 7. Our team won all (it/its) games last year!

  • 8. What about your sister? Will she play on (they/their) team?

  • 9. No, she’ll play on (we/our) team.

  • 10. (She/Her) strong skills will help us win!

Exercise is good for our hearts!

Exercise is good for our hearts!