A possessive adjective tells who someone or something belongs to.
• My, your, his, her, its, our, and their are possessive adjectives.
• The possessive adjective always comes before a noun.
• Match the possessive adjective to the noun or pronoun that it goes with.
I my | I have a healthy heart. Dr. Lee listens to my heart once a year. |
you your | Do you go to Dr. Lee? Yes. Is Dr. Lee your doctor, too? |
he his | Tom bikes everyday. He rides to school. Is that his bike? |
she her | My sister is a swimmer. She is good. You should see her exercise program! |
it its | My sister’s program is tough. Its goal is to decrease her heart rate. |
we our | We got a new exercise machine. Our old machine is broken. |
they their | Dr. Lee and the nurse advised us to eat healthy food. Try their healthy snacks. |
Say each sentence and add the correct form.
1. Is that (he/his) basketball?
2. No, it is (you/my) ball.
3. (They/Their) team is not very fit.
4. (We/Our) players are faster.
5. Should I play on their team or (you/your) team?
Say each sentence. Write the correct form on a card. Then say each sentence, and add the correct form.
6. You can play on (I/my) team if you want.
7. Our team won all (it/its) games last year!
8. What about your sister? Will she play on (they/their) team?
9. No, she’ll play on (we/our) team.
10. (She/Her) strong skills will help us win!
Exercise is good for our hearts!