Connect Reading and Writing

Critical Thinking

  • 1. SUM IT UP Create an Outline of the article “The Beat Goes On.” Write the title of each section and record its two most important details. Use your Outline to write a short summary of the article.

  • 2. Describe Tell a partner what happens during a heart transplant. Use details from the text to give a clear picture.

  • 3. Explain Look at the KWL Chart you made on page 286. In the L column, write what you learned about the heart muscle. Discuss your completed chart with a group.

  • 4. Speculate Why might Brian Whitlow’s story be inspiring to others?

Reading Fluency

Intonation Read the passage on page 658 to a partner. Assess your fluency.

  • 1. I read

    • a. great

    • b. OK

    • c. not very well

  • 2. What I did best in my reading was ______.

Reading Strategy

Vocabulary Review

Oral Review Read the paragraph aloud. Add the vocabulary words.

Written Review Imagine a friend needs a heart transplant. Write an editorial about why it is important for people to donate organs to those who need them. Use four vocabulary words.

Illustration of the pen icon Write About the Guiding Question

Explore the Human Heart

Why is a healthy heart so amazing? Write your opinion. Reread the selection to find details that support your opinion.