Photograph of the title page of the selection, “Two Left Feet, Two Left Hands, and Too Left on the Bench”
Selection 3 Overview
  • Build Background

  • Language & Grammar
    Engage in Discussion
    Use Indefinite Pronouns

  • Prepare to Read
    Learn Key Vocabulary
    Learn a Reading Strategy
    Determine Importance

  • Read and Write
    Focus on Genre
    Apply the Reading Strategy
    Determine Importance
    Critical Thinking
    Reading Fluency
    Read with Expression
    Vocabulary Review
    Write About the Guiding Question

  • Connect Across the Curriculum
    Literary Analysis
    Compare Fiction and Narrative Nonfiction
    Analyze Exaggeration
    Vocabulary Study
    Use Context Clues: Examples
    Perform a Humorous Reading
    Language and Grammar
    Engage in Discussion
    Writing and Grammar
    Write About a School Sports Team

Build Background
See What Drives Us

Athletes must work to be good at their sport, but some athletes only become successful after failing first.


Anticipation Guide Tell whether you agree or disagree with the statements in the guide.