Language and Grammar: Give and Follow Directions

Pair Share Work with a partner. Talk about how activities, like dancing, can help the heart. Then show and tell your partner how to do your favorite activity. Give the steps in order. Use possessive adjectives as you give directions. Trade roles.

How do I start? Do I take two steps to my right?

No, I go right. First, you take two steps to your left! Here. Follow along. It’s easy.

Writing and Grammar: Write Directions to a Place

Study the Models When you write directions to a place, you may need to use possessive words. Be sure to use words that show the relationship clearly so your reader can understand you.

Add Sentences Think of two sentences to add to the OK model above. Use at least one possessive word. Be sure that it goes with the noun or pronoun you are talking about.

Illustration of the pen icon WRITE ON YOUR OWN Write directions to the library or another place in your community. Check your possessive words. Make sure they match the noun or pronoun.