Connect Reading and Writing

Critical Thinking

  • 1. SUM IT UP Make a card for each vocabulary word. Use at least five of the words to describe the encounter between the Taino and the Spanish.

    Illustration of three index cards, each with a vocabulary word on it
  • 2. Discuss Review your Quickwrite from page 342. Explain to a partner why you would or would not welcome the stranger.

  • 3. Judgment The narrator escaped from the boat and swam to the shore. Do you think he did the right thing? Why or why not?

  • 4. Explain What warning might have told the people that the strangers were not friendly?

Reading Fluency

Expression Read the passage on page 660 to a partner. Assess your fluency.

  • 1. I read

    • a. great

    • b. OK

    • c. not very well

  • 2. What I did best in my reading was ____.

Reading Strategy

Vocabulary Review

Oral Review Read the paragraph aloud. Add the vocabulary words.

Every summer, my family takes a vacation at the _______. It is our _______ to stay at the same house every year. This year, we had some new neighbors. We decided to _______ the _______ by having a party for them. We ate as much as we _______. My mother gave me a _______ not to eat too much, or I would be sick. Our neighbors had never had an _______ with anyone who could eat as much as me. That night, I had a _______ about hamburgers and chocolate cake!

Written Review How would you feel if you had to give a warning to people, but they didn’t believe you? Write a journal entry. Use five vocabulary words.

Illustration of the pen iconWrite About the Guiding Question

Explore Encounters

When people from different cultures have an encounter with one another for the first time, how should they act? Find examples in the text to support your opinion.