Photograph of the title page of the selection, “Culture Clash”
Selection 2 Overview
  • Build Background

  • Language & Grammar

    Make Comparisons

    Use Verbs in the Past Tense

  • Prepare to Read

    Learn Key Vocabulary

    Learn a Reading Strategy

    Ask Questions

  • Read and Write

    Focus on Genre

    History Article

    Apply the

    Reading Strategy

    Ask Questions

    Critical Thinking

    Reading Fluency

    Read with Intonation

    Vocabulary Review

    Write About the Guiding Question

  • Connect Across the Curriculum

    Literary Analysis

    Use Text Features

    Vocabulary Study

    Understand Idioms


    Learn About Smallpox


    Find and Select Sources

    Language and Grammar

    Make Comparisons

    Writing and Grammar

    Write About Past Events

Build Background

Anticipation Guide Tell if you agree or disagree with these statements.

See Aztec Ruins

In 1519, Hernán Cortés took the Aztec Empire for Spain and changed the future of Mexico.