Choose a topic or an event in baseball history and report on it to the class.
1 Choose a Topic Use the Internet to research events in baseball history. Think about whether your topic will be interesting to your audience.
Internet InsideNG.com
Find important events in baseball history.
2 Do Your Research Think of information you want to find out about your topic and write questions about this information. Usually when you report on an event, you want to find answers to the 5W questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why?
3 Prepare Your Presentation Turn your research into an informative presentation:
• Decide how you want to organize your presentation. If your topic is an event, you may want to present it in chronological order. Or you might want to turn each of the 5W questions into subtopics. These would be the main points in your presentation. Be sure you include facts, examples, and explanations for each of your points.
• Find pictures or video clips to show during your presentation. Your audience will be interested in seeing the people, places, and event you are talking about.
• Practice your presentation in front of another classmate or a mirror.
4 Deliver Your Presentation Remember to speak clearly and slowly. Use a tone of voice and facial expressions to show that you are interested in your topic. Remember to show any pictures or video clips you have gathered.
5 Ask and Answer Questions When you have finished your presentation, ask your classmates if they have any questions. Then ask them to think about what you said. Tell them to infer how the event you reported on affected the sport of baseball. Remind them to combine the information they heard in your report with their own knowledge in order to get an answer.
I learned that Roberto Clemente was one of the first Latino baseball heroes in the major leagues. I know that there are now lots of Latino baseball heroes, so I can infer that Roberto Clemente cleared the way for future Latino players.