Rate and Study the Words Rate how well you know each word. Then:
Rating Scale
1 = I have never seen this word before.
2 = I am not sure of the word’s meaning.
3 = I know this word and can teach the word’s meaning to someone else.
1. Pronounce the word. Say it aloud several times. Spell it.
2. Study the example.
3. Tell more about the word.
4. Practice it. Make the word your own.
Key Words
congratulate (kun-grach-u-lāt) verbpage 554 When you congratulate someone, you let that person know you are happy for something they have achieved. This woman is congratulated for finishing school.
energy (e-nur-jē) nounpage 552 Energy is the power or force to do things. Young children have lots of energy. Related Words:energize, energetic
exercise (ek-sur-sīz) nounpage 548 Exercise is an activity you do to stay fit and healthy. Many people ride bicycles for exercise.
gesture (jes-chur) nounpage 550 A gesture is an action done to show how you feel. Our neighbor made us dinner as a friendly gesture.
honest (ahn-ust) adjectivepage 554 An honest person tells the truth. Abe Lincoln was known as Honest Abe because of his truthfulness. Related Word:honestly Antonym:dishonest
interrupt (int-u-rupt) verbpage 548 To interrupt means to break into a conversation or activity. It is impolite to interrupt a conversation. Related Word:interruption
serious (sir-ē-us) adjectivepage 548 When you are serious about something, you feel that it is important. Many people are serious about their work. Related Word:seriously
Practice the Words Make a Definition Map for each Key Word. Compare your maps to a partner’s maps. Definition Map
squeaky (skwē-kē) adjectivepage 546 A squeaky noise is a high-pitched sound. Mice make squeaky noises.