1. SUM IT UP Make a Beginning-Middle-End Chart. Use your chart to summarize the events that led to Squeaky’s decision to interrupt her training to coach Raymond.
Beginning-Middle-End Chart
2. Evaluate Revisit your Anticipation Guide. Are these still your honest opinions? Discuss your ideas with your classmates.
3. Infer Tell a partner why you think Squeaky is so serious about winning.
4. Interpret What does Squeaky mean when she says girls are too busy “being flowers or fairies instead of something honest”?
Expression Read the passage on page 668 to a partner. Assess your fluency.
1. I read
a. great
b. OK
c. not very well
2. What I did best in my reading was _____.
Oral Review Read the paragraph aloud. Add the vocabulary words.
The _______ truth is most kids our age don’t get enough _______. It’s a _______ problem. If we do not exercise, we won’t have any _______. I decided to start a running club. I thought it would be a nice _______ to show students we have the power to change. My gym coach _______ me on getting kids to _______ their usual routines and do something healthy. Most afternoons, you can hear us running laps on the _______ gym floor!
Written Review Imagine you are running a race. Write a letter about why you should be serious about the training. Use five vocabulary words.
Explore the Power of Sports
How did sports and exercise bring Squeaky closer to both Raymond and Gretchen? Write your opinion. Reread the selection to find examples that support it.