Practice Expression: “Raymond’s Run”

Expression in reading is how you use your voice to express feeling. Use this passage to practice reading with proper expression. Print a copy of this passage from to help you monitor your progress.

I spread my fingers in the dirt and crouch over the Get on Your Mark. I am telling myself, Squeaky you must win. The pistol shot explodes in my blood and I am off, flying past the other runners. My arms pump up and down, and the whole world is quiet except for the crunch of gravel in the track. On the other side of the fence is Raymond with his arms down to his side and the palms tucked up behind him, running in his very own style. It’s the first time I ever saw that and I almost stop to watch my brother on his first run. But the white ribbon is bouncing toward me. I tear past it, racing into the distance till my feet start digging up footfuls of dirt and brake me short. Then all the kids standing on the side pile on me, banging me on the back and slapping my head with their May Day programs, for I have won again.