Reading Fluency

Practice Intonation: “Handle with Care”

Intonation is the rise and fall in the pitch or tone of your voice as you read aloud. Use this passage to practice reading with proper intonation. Print a copy of this passage from to help you monitor your progress.

You wad up a piece of paper, take aim, and toss the paper into the wastebasket. It doesn’t seem terribly wasteful—but it adds up. The average American makes about ten tons of trash in thirteen years.

Where does that trash go next? Much of our trash ends up in landfills. Landfills take up valuable land and sometimes make the water, air, and land around them dirty. More than a third of the trash in landfills is paper. Reusing and reducing what you throw away can cut down on the need for more landfills. In fact, about 80 percent of household trash can be recycled.

Wastes from certain jobs or activities can also cause problems. Wastes are especially harmful if they are hazardous, or dangerous, to humans and other species. The United States has passed laws to control both the disposal and the storage of hazardous wastes that may be poisonous or cause diseases.