3 = I know this word and can teach the word’s meaning to someone else.
Rate and Study the Words Rate how well you know each word. Then:
1. Pronounce the word. Say it aloud several times. Spell it.
2. Study the example.
3. Tell more about the word.
4. Practice it. Make the word your own.
Key Words
damage (dam-ij) verbpage 578 To damage means to cause harm. Wind and water from a storm can damage a building.
issue (ish-ü) nounpage 576 An issue is a problem or concern. Taking care of the environment has become an important issue.
prevent (pri-vent) verbpage 576 To prevent something means to keep it from happening. Airbags can prevent injuries in a car crash. Related Word:prevention
protect (prō-tekt) verbpage 576 To protect means to keep safe. Penguin fathers protect their young from the cold. Related Word:protection
recycle (rē-sī-kul) verbpage 579 To recycle means to use again, usually in a different way. People usually recycle glass, paper, and plastic. Related Word:recycling
resource (rē-sors) nounpage 576 A resource is something you can use. Trees are a natural resource for wood used in house building. Related Word:resourceful
source(sors)nounpage 580 A source is where something comes from. Lakes are the source for much of our drinking water.
waste(wāst)nounpage 579 Waste is something that is left over or thrown away. People put their waste outside to be picked up each week. Related Words:wasteful, wasted
Practice the Words Make a Study Card for each Key Word. Then compare your cards with a partner’s cards.
What it means: to use again
Example: I refill a plastic water bottle.
Not an example: I throw out paper when I could use the other side.