3 = I know this word and can teach the word’s meaning to someone else.
Learn Key Vocabulary
Rate and Study the Words Rate how well you know each word. Then:
1. Pronounce the word. Say it aloud several times. Spell it.
2. Study the example.
3. Tell more about the word.
4. Practice it. Make the word your own.
Key Words
area (air-ē-u) nounpage 602 An area is a section of a place often set aside for special use. Fences are often used to mark areas where people are not allowed to go. Synonym:section
atmosphere (at-mu-sfir) nounpage 605 The atmosphere is the air that surrounds Earth. Airplanes fly through the atmosphere.
feature (fē-chur) nounpage 602 A feature is a part of something that stands out. My sister’s eyes are her best feature.
glacier (glā-shur) nounpage 600 A glacier is a huge body of moving ice. Many mountains are formed by moving glaciers.
melt (melt) verbpage 600 To melt means to change from a solid to a liquid. When the sun is out, the snow begins to melt. Antonym:freeze
reef (rēf) nounpage 604 A reef is a series of plant life near the surface of the ocean. This reef is home to many ocean animals.
soil (soi-ul) nounpage 600 Soil is the dirt that covers the ground. Most trees and plants need rich, wet soil to help them grow.
temperature (tem-pur-u-chur) nounpage 601 The temperature is how hot or cold something is. The temperature in the United States is usually at its highest during the summer.
Practice the Words Make an Example Chart for each Key Word. Share your chart with a partner.
Example from My Life
soil dirt We water the soil to help the plants grow.