3 = I know this word and can teach the word’s meaning to someone else.
Learn Key Vocabulary
Rate and Study the Words Rate how well you know each word. Then:
1. Pronounce the word. Say it aloud several times. Spell it.
2. Study the example.
3. Tell more about the word.
4. Practice it. Make the word your own.
Key Words
battle (bat-ul) nounpage 626 A battle is a fight. During the American Civil War, the North was in a battle with the South.
council (kown-sul) nounpage 625 A council is a group of people who gather together to make decisions. The student council decides where to go for the class trip.
creature (krē-chur) nounpage 622 A creature is an animal. This interesting creature can be found in Australia.
destroy (di-stroi) verbpage 625 When you destroy something, it cannot be repaired. Our puppy destroyed the newpapers. Synonyms:ruin, wreckAntonym:fix
gather (gath-ur) verbpage 625 To gather means to bring together. All my relatives gather at our house on holidays.
monster (mahn-stur) nounpage 622 A monster is a scary creature. Godzilla is a terrifying monster in the movies. Related Word:monstrous
human (hyū-man) adjective, nounpage 622 1adjective To be human means to have the qualities of a person. The gorillas at the zoo look almost human. 2noun People are also called humans.
powerful (pau-ur-ful) adjectivepage 626 People are powerful when they are strong. This man shows off his powerful strength in a competition. Related Words:power, powerless
Practice the Words Make an Idea Web for each Key Word. Write four things the word makes you think of. Share your finished webs with a partner.