Reading Fluency

Practice Expression: “The Legend of the Yakwawiak”

Expression in reading is how you use your voice to express feeling. Use this passage to practice reading with proper expression. Print a copy of this passage from to help you monitor your progress.

Kitselemukong watched from the top of the highest mountain as they fought. It was a hard battle, for the Yakwawiak were strong. The Yakwawiak tried to crush the animals and people beneath their huge feet. They stabbed them with their sharp tusks and threw them up into the air with their trunks. The piercing sound of their screams as they fought was terrible to hear. Even when they were wounded and bleeding, the huge monsters continued to fight.

All through that long day, the fight went back and forth. It went from the edge of the great salt water to the wide river that flows through the heart of the land. Many of the bravest animals, those who were almost as large and powerful as the Yakwawiak, were killed.