Academic Vocabulary


(bahnd) 1 n. A bond is something that unites two or more people. The family bond between Lisa and Raul is very strong. 2 v. When you bond with someone, you form a close relationship with him or her. Teammates bond with each other when playing sports.



(-pu-bul) adj. When you are capable, you have the qualities needed to do something. George is capable of climbing the mountain.


(kap-ut-ul) n. A capital is the city where a government is located. Washington, D.C., is the capital of the United States.

Photograph of the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, and US Capital Building at night


(kap-tiv) adj. A captive animal is not free to leave. Animals in cages are captive.


(ku-rēr) n. A career is the type of work a person does. She wants a career in architecture.


(ka-tu-gor-ē) n. A category is a group of items that have something in common. Snakes are not part of the rodent category.


(sel-u-brāt) v. To celebrate means to do something fun because of an important event. Every year you celebrate your birthday.


(sel) n. A cell is the smallest working part of a living thing. People are made up of millions of cells.


(chal-unj) n. A challenge is something that is hard to do. It is a challenge to run a race.


(cham-pē-un) n. A champion is a winner. She became champion by winning first place in a contest.


(chap-tur) n. A chapter is one part of something. A book usually has several chapters.


(kair-ik-tu-ris-tik) n. A characteristic is a quality of something. One characteristic of a giraffe is its long neck.


(chois) n. A choice is a decision. You make a choice about what to eat each day.


(sur-kū-lāt) v. When something circulates, it moves along a path that returns to the place it started. Blood circulates throughout your body.


(klev-ur) adj. A clever person uses intelligence to do something tricky. A magician is clever.


(klü-lis) adj. To be clueless means to be confused or not to know something. The girl was clueless about how to answer the question.


(ku-myū-nu-kāt) v. When you communicate, you give and get information. The telephone is the easiest way to communicate with my relatives in Spain.


(ku-myū-nu-tē) n. A community is a group of people who live in one place. A neighborhood is a kind of community.


(kum-pair) v. When you compare two things, you tell how they are alike and different. We have to compare a hill to a mountain in our social studies class.


(kum-pēt) v. When you compete, you take part in a contest. The athletes compete to win the race.


(kom-pownd) adj. When something is compound, it is made of two or more parts. He has a compound fracture in his leg.


(kon-sun-trāt) v. When you concentrate, you think about what you do. You have to concentrate when you read.


(kahn-fu-dints) n. When you have confidence, you believe you can do something. He has confidence that he will win the game.


(kahn-flikt) n. A conflict is a problem or a disagreement. A conflict often leads to anger.


(kun-grach-u-lāt) v. When you congratulate someone, you let that person know you are happy for something they have achieved. This woman is congratulated for finishing school.

Photograph of a professor shaking the hand of a graduating student


(ku-nekt) v. When you connect things, you show how they are related. Connect the printer to the computer with the cable.


(kahn-kur) v. To conquer means to win control of people through force. Adolf Hitler tried to conquer all of Europe in World War II.