Synonyms are words with similar meanings that describe the same concept. No two synonyms mean exactly the same thing. They have specific definitions and different shades of meaning. For example, one word might have a much stronger meaning than its synonym does.
EXAMPLE | Amber had to play hard to beat her opponent, but she was finally able to vanquish the other player. |
Knowing the specific meaning of a synonym and how it relates to other words can help you better understand what you read. A Synonym Scale like the one below can help you sort out the shades of meaning of words that describe the same concept.
Synonym Scale
The more words you know about a concept, the better you will be able to express your own thoughts and understand exactly what someone says.
1. Every time you read, take the opportunity to learn new words.
2. Put words into groups, or categories, to see how they relate to one another. This will help you understand their specific definitions.
3. Use a Synonym Scale to rank synonyms from weakest to strongest.
Use the strategy to figure out how the underlined words relate to each other.
REMEMBER Using shades of meanings and knowing how synonyms relate to one another can help you understand a word’s specific meaning.