Synonym Scale
As you move up the list, each word suggests more beauty.
Analyze Word Relationships A Synonym or Antonym Scale can help you think about how words relate to each other.
Beautiful is a stronger word than pretty to describe the way something looks. Where on the scale would you put the word cute?
This Synonym-Antonym Scale shows how the antonyms polite and rude relate.
Synonym-Antonym Scale
The words at opposite sides of the scale are antonyms.
Make Synonym-Antonym Scales Make a scale for each of these words from the selection. Use a thesaurus to help you collect words for the scales.
1. coward
2. wise
3. timid
4. clever
5. weep
The dragon is a symbol in many cultures and stories.
1 Research Dragons With a partner, find art of dragons from different cultures.
Study illustrations of dragons.
2 Share Ideas Answer these questions about the art and information you find. Then share your images and ideas with the rest of the class.
• How are the dragons the same and different?
• How does each dragon’s appearance show what it represents?
Throughout history, dragons have been important symbols.