Language and Grammar, continued

Use Verbs in the Past Tense




A past tense verb shows an action that already happened. For most verbs, add -ed to show past tense.

EXAMPLEThe mayor talked about our community. (regular verb)

Use special past tense forms with irregular verbs.

EXAMPLEHe gave his speech yesterday. (irregular verb)

Each past tense form of an irregular verb must be memorized.

Examples of Irregular Verbs

PresentPastExample in the Past
givegaveI gave a letter to the mayor.
getgotI got to see the mayor.
speakspokeThe mayor spoke to us about improving our town.
seesawWe saw photos of places in our community.
feelfeltEveryone felt eager to help.
knowknewThe mayor knew my name!
telltoldI told the mayor about some of my ideas.
thinkthoughtHe thought my ideas were great.

Practice Together

Say each sentence with your class. Then say the sentence again, using the past tense form of the underlined verb.

  • 1. The students see litter all over the park.

  • 2. They know the problem.

  • 3. They think about what they could do to clean up the area.

  • 4. They get large trash bags.

These students helped their community.

These students helped their community.

Try It!

Say each sentence. Write the verb on a card. Then write the past tense form of the verb on the same card. Say the sentence again using the past tense form of the verb.

  • 5. The teacher gives everyone gloves to wear.

  • 6. She tells the students what to do.

  • 7. She speaks to each group about their jobs.

  • 8. Everyone feels good about helping the community.