Vocabulary Study: Use Word Parts
Word PartMeaning
un-not; the opposite of
-ablecan be or is
-lyin this way; way of being
under-below; not enough
-tionthe act of

Many English words are made up of a base word with prefixes and suffixes added. When you know the meaning of the parts, you can figure out the meaning of a whole word.

Figure Out Word Meanings Work with a partner. Break each of these words into word parts. Write the meaning of each word part. Then put the meanings together to predict the meaning of the word.

  • 1. uncomfortable

  • 2. uninvolved

  • 3. reorganization

  • 4. unorganized

  • 5. underestimate

  • 6. untruthfully

Write Sentences Use each word in a sentence. Trade sentences with a partner. Does the meaning you predicted make sense?

Viewing/Speaking: Distinguish Fact from Opinion


Writers may use facts or opinions as evidence. A fact is something that can be proved. An opinion is a belief that may or may not be true.

  • 1 Tell Fact from Opinion Work with a partner. Tell whether each of the following statements is a fact or an opinion. Discuss why you think so.

    StatementFact or Opinion
    Eve lived in St. Paul, Minnesota.
    Arlington High is a fun place to go to school.
    Matt Cavedon tried to stop bullying at his school.
    Bullies can never change.
    Most bullying goes unreported.
  • 2 Analyze News Reports Listen and watch for evidence in news reports. Identify the facts and the opinions on a chart.

      Internet InsideNG.com
    • a blue dot Access a search engine. Use search words related to your specific topic.

  • 3 Discuss Your Findings Share the evidence you found with a partner.

    Discuss if most of the evidence in the news was fact or opinion.