In “Speaking Up,” Eve Vang and other student leaders gave presentations to help solve their problems. What if you had to convince your classmates that there was a problem to solve? Deliver a presentation to your class about a problem at school and share how you would solve the problem.
1 Identify a Problem and Determine Solutions Think about a problem at your school or in your community that you want to see changed. Propose a solution. Now think of evidence that would convince your listeners that you have a good solution.
2 Organize Your Presentation Use a Problem-Solution Chart to organize your ideas. For example:
Problem | Solutions | Evidence |
If the school band doesn’t raise enough money, then it will not be able to go to the state music competition. |
3 Practice Your Presentation Work with a partner and practice your presentation. Think of interesting ways to start so that you capture your audience’s attention. For example, play a recording of the school band’s music. Practice using your voice and gestures in a way that expresses your emotions. Speak with a convincing tone and use signal words such as should, need, and if/then to call attention to the problem and solutions. Ask your partner for helpful suggestions. Was the problem clearly identified? How persuasive were you? Did the evidence you presented support your solutions?
4 Give Your Presentation Share your presentation with the class. Keep your audience interested by making eye contact and speaking clearly and loudly. Look at your notes if you need to, but try to use them as little as possible.