1. SUM IT UP Use the headings and the main ideas of the selection to make an outline about our solar system.
2. Synthesize Complete the KWL Chart you began before reading the selection. Tell what you learned about solid planets and gaseous planets.
3. Compare How do the features of asteroids and meteoroids compare with planets?
4. Interpret How do the selection and the myth express the idea of being at home in the world?
Phrasing Read the passage on page 643 to a partner. Assess your fluency.
1. I read
a. great
b. OK
c. not very well
2. What I did best in my reading was _____.
Oral Review Read the paragraph aloud. Add the vocabulary words.
Written Review Imagine that your mission is to describe one of the planets as you explore its surface from a spacecraft. Use five vocabulary words.
Explore Being at Home in the World How do planets in the solar system compare to communities on Earth? Reread the selection to find features that support your ideas.