You can use context clues to figure out the meaning of a word or idea.
Type of Clue | Example |
Definition clues make clear that a word or term is being explained. | The gas forms an atmosphere, called a coma, around the comet. |
Example shows a case that makes the word or idea clear. | For example, Uranus spins differently from other planets because it spins on its side. |
Restatement puts the idea another way so the reader understands. | It moves like a rolling ball instead of a spinning top. |
Find Clues Use context clues to explain the underlined words.
These planets also do not have many moons or objects that rotate, or move, around a planet.… Different gases trap different amounts of heat from the sun, which means that each planet has a different temperature. For example, Venus is the hottest planet because it has a thick and heavy atmosphere covered with clouds.
Media & Technology
How do you select the appropriate media for a presentation? It depends on the purpose and the audience.
1 Learn About Media What is the purpose of your presentation? If it’s to inform, you may want to use print media. If it’s to entertain, nonprint media may add interest. Be sure your media choices are:
• Accurate and Reliable Check the source, especially when using the Internet. Who created the site? Can it be trusted? Check facts against a second source, such as an encyclopedia.
• Appropriate Use only media that relate to the topic.
• Credited Identify each reference. If it’s music, identify the composer and performer. If it’s an Internet image, provide the Web site address.
2 Choose Media What media would support a presentation on the planets? Share and explain your choices to the class.