As you can see, astronauts move, breathe, sleep, and eat differently in space than they do on Earth. Astronauts are willing to trade the routines they are used to on Earth to travel in space because they have an important job. Astronauts are exploring an unknown world so future generations can benefit from what they learn. This special mission outweighs some of the dangers and difficulties astronauts experience in space.

No Place Like Home

Exploring the unknown world of space is an exciting adventure. On the other hand, most astronauts will tell you how excited they are to go home to Earth after their mission is over. Clayton Anderson explains.

From the Journal of Clayton Anderson

Photograph of astronaut, Clayton Anderson

“I am often asked just what it is I miss the most up here. First and foremost, of course, is my wonderful family. … I also miss some significant physical things. … For example, sometimes as I daydream I envision a soft breeze from Galveston Bay and the warm rays of the summer sun, or the smell of freshly cut grass amid the sound of all the neighborhood lawn mowers.”