Connect Reading and Writing

Critical Thinking

  • 1. SUM IT UP Make a card for each vocabulary word. Use five words to compare the routine of an astronaut in space to your daily routine on Earth.

    Illustration of three index cards, each with a vocabulary word printed on it
  • 2. Compare Compare the astronauts’ journal entries. Why do you think the entry of Clayton Anderson is included?

  • 3. Conclusion Astronauts may spend months on a space station. What traits are essential to live in space for that long? Review the photos and journal entries for ideas.

  • 4. Infer Why is it valuable for astronauts to record what they experience in journal entries like those in the selection?

Reading Fluency

Intonation Read the passage on page 644 to a partner. Assess your fluency.

  • 1. I read

    • a. great

    • b. OK

    • c. not very well

  • 2. What I did best in my reading was _______.

Reading Strategy

Vocabulary Review

Oral Review Read the paragraph aloud. Add the vocabulary words.

Written Review Imagine you can travel anywhere in the universe. Describe what you experience. Use four vocabulary words.

Illustration of the pen icon Write About the Guiding Question

Explore Being at Home in the World

Astronauts practice space tasks in an underwater lab. How are the features of living in space similar to being in water? Reread the selection to find examples that support your ideas.