Words have different meanings in different subject, or content, areas. For instance, the word product in social science means “something that is made.” The same word in math means “the result of multiplying two numbers.”
Think About Context These words have more than one meaning. Work with a partner to find each word in the selection. Use context to determine which meaning makes sense in each instance.
1. poach (p. 362)
a. to cook
b. to steal
2. resources (p. 362)
a. a supply
b. money, property, or wealth
Write Sentences Write a sentence for each meaning of the words above. Do any of your sentences seem like they belong to a particular content area?
Learn more facts about tigers and share the information with your class.
1 Conduct Research Pick one of the five tigers from “Tigers in the Wild” on page 364. Use resources such as the Internet, books, and magazines to do research. Take notes about an aspect of the tiger that interests you.
Use an online search engine to find information about the tiger you selected.
2 Organize Your Report Review your notes and decide which facts you will tell about and how you will organize them. Include an introduction and a conclusion.
The Sumatran tiger has lived only in Sumatra, Indonesia, for over a million years.
3 Give Your Report Summarize your findings and tell your classmates what you learned.