Words and phrases that have special meanings related to a specific subject or job are called jargon. You can use context, or the words around the jargon, to figure out its meaning. For example, you may know that cell means “a small room.” But if you are reading about cellular telephones, you can figure out that cell is jargon for cell phone.
Use Context Find each of these jargon words in the selection. Use context to figure out the meaning. Use a dictionary if you need more help.
How is the specific meaning different from other meanings of each word?
Mireya Mayor has had several jobs. Many people change careers several times in their lives. What causes people to change careers?
1 Plan Interviews Choose several adults to interview about their careers. Before you begin your interviews, focus your questions to make them specific. For example:
Unfocused Question: | What jobs have you had? |
Focused Question: | What is the best job you have had? |
2 Conduct Interviews Have your list of questions ready. Make eye contact as you ask questions to show your interest in what the person says. Ask the person to explain any information that you don’t understand. Use a chart to take notes and keep your information focused. Thank each person for his or her time.
3 Present Interviews Summarize your interviews for the class. Tell what you discovered about why people change careers.