Role-Play With a partner, act out an interview with Mireya Mayor. One partner plays the role of a news reporter and asks questions about Mayor’s work and discoveries. The other partner plays Mayor and gives detailed answers. Use adverbs to elaborate. Trade roles.
What did you recently discover in Madagascar?
I recently discovered a very small primate. It is the smallest primate in the world!
Study the Models When you write about events, you want to keep your readers interested in your writing. A key way to hold their interest is to elaborate and add colorful details about when, where, and how the events happen. You can provide comparisons to elaborate even more.
Add Sentences Think of two sentences to add to the OK model above. Look for more ways to add details to your sentences.
WRITE ON YOUR OWN Write a description of a time you discovered something new. Use colorful details that tell when, where, and how. Help the reader see and experience the event you are writing about.