Focus on Genre: Author’s Purpose and Word Choice

  • Author’s Purpose

  • Word Choice

An author’s purpose is his or her reason for writing. It may be to entertain, inform, express ideas and feelings, or to persuade readers.

How It Works

Recognizing an author’s purpose for writing can help you understand what the author wants you to know or think. The genre is one clue that can help you figure this out.

Short stories, fables, other fictionto entertain; to communicate a message
Expository nonfictionto inform; to express feelings and ideas
Advertisements, other persuasive writingto convince you to act or think a certain way

The author’s word choices also provide clues.

  • • Words that create a funny, sad, angry, or other kind of mood suggest that the purpose is to entertain or persuade.

  • • Positive words that describe one idea and negative words that describe another idea could show you the author’s attitude.

  • • Words that emphasize fact signal that the purpose is to inform.

Study the passage below to discover the author’s purpose.