3 = I know this word and can teach the word’s meaning to someone else.
Rate and Study the Words Rate how well you know each word. Then:
1. Pronounce the word. Say it aloud several times. Spell it.
2. Study the example.
3. Tell more about the word.
4. Practice it. Make the word your own.
Key Words
banish (ban-ish) verb page 410 To banish means to send away or punish by making someone leave. The referee banished the player from the game.
forbid (fur-bid) verb page 410 To forbid means to order not to do something. The sign forbids anyone to swim in this area. Related Word:forbidden
grief (grēf) noun page 406 To feel grief is to feel very sad. My friend felt grief when her dog died. Antonym:happiness
memory (me-mu-rē) noun page 406 A memory is something remembered. Looking through family photographs can bring back memories of good times.
obey (ō-bā) verb page 406 To obey is to follow an order. If your parents tell you to clean your room, you must obey them.
punishment (pun-ish-ment) noun page 406 A punishment is a penalty for doing something bad. When Dad was a kid, the punishment for late homework was to write lines on the chalkboard. Related Word:punish
recall (rē-kawl) verb page 410 To recall means to remember. The student tries to recall the answer to a test question. Synonym:remember
willful (wil-ful) adjective page 404 Someone who is willful refuses to change. A willful child only does what he wants, not what others tell him.
Practice the Words Make a Synonym–Antonym Chart for each Key Word.