Language and Grammar: Give and Follow Directions

Pair Share Work with a partner. Give directions to your partner on how to write a letter to the editor to change the name of a street in your town. Tell about the parts of a letter, where in the letter the parts are placed, and any special punctuation that is needed. Use participles to combine some of the sentences in your directions. Have your partner repeat your directions in his or her own words. Trade roles.

Ending with a closing, you are now ready to sign your name.

OK. The closing is the last thing I write before I sign my name.

Writing and Grammar: Write to Elaborate

Study the Models When you write, you can add interest and details to your sentences by using participial phrases to elaborate on nouns and pronouns. You can use a participial phrase to put two ideas together for writing that flows.

Illustration of the pen icon WRITE ON YOUR OWN Write about a global or community issue you feel strongly about. Combine ideas so your writing flows.