Reading Strategy

Follow these steps to read a word.

  • 1 Look for a pattern. Do you see two vowels together?

    Illustration of a finger pointing to “ea” in the word “dream”The two vowels in each word are a team. They make one long vowel sound.Illustration of a finger pointing to “ay” in the word “play”
  • 2 Start at the beginning of the word. Blend the sounds in your head. Then say the word.

    Illustration of a finger pointing to “d” in the word “dream”d + r + ea + m = dreamIllustration of a finger pointing to “p” in the word “play”p + l + ay = play

Reading Practice

Use what you learned to read the sentences.

  • 1. Joan and her family spend weekends at the seashore.

  • 2. They keep a rowboat by the beach.

  • 3. Joan likes to swim in the water or row the boat.

  • 4. When it rains, she always stays inside.

  • 5. A good book and hot tea are all she needs.

  • 6. She just sits and reads all day!

Spelling Practice

7.–10. Now write the sentences that your teacher reads.

Word Work

11. Write each word on a card.

  • 12. rain


    You can spell long a more than one way.


Then say each word. Sort the words by vowel sound. Make 3 groups.

12. Now make 6 new groups. Put the words with the same vowel sound and spelling together. What do you notice?