More High Frequency Words

Review High Frequency Words

Read the words aloud. Which word goes in the sentence?

  • 1. Sam saw many _____ at the city zoo.

  • 2. He saw a bird flying _____ his head.

  • 3. Many other _____ saw it, too.

Learn New Words

Study these words. Say them as whole words when you read.

beganThey shut off the lights, and the movie began.
aboutThe movie was about some kids in the 1950s.
danceI watched them dance to old music.
thoughtMy dad thought the music was great.
againWe want to see that movie again next week.


4.–8. Make a map for each new word. Write the word in the center. Complete the other boxes and use the word in a sentence of your own.

  • 4.



    How can you remember it?

9.–13. Write each sentence. Add the missing word.

  • 9. I began telling Sofia about math class.

  • 9. I _ _ _ _ _ telling Sofia about math class.

  • 10. Then I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ about what I was doing.

  • 11. Sofia was _ _ _ _ _ to talk to the teacher.

  • 12. So I just said, “I will talk to you _ _ _ _ _ later.”

  • 13. I knew I would see Sofia at the school _ _ _ _ _ that night.