Vocabulary Study: Use Word Parts
SuffixMeaningChanges …
-mentact or processa verb (pay) to a noun (payment)
-nessstate ofan adjective (kind) to a noun (kindness)
-yhaving the quality ofa noun (dirt) into an adjective (dirty)

A suffix changes the meaning of a base word and how the word is used in a sentence. For example, the word grit is a noun that means “a tiny piece of sand or stone.” If you want to describe something that feels like sand, you could add the suffix -y and make the adjective gritty. Sometimes you need to change the spelling of the base word when you add a suffix.

base wordsuffix

Define Words Work with a partner. Cover the suffix in each word below. Tell the meanings of the base word and the suffix, using the chart above. Discuss how the suffix changes the base word. Use the word in a sentence to tell about the selection “Earthquake.”

  • 1. equipment

  • 2. kindness

  • 3. forgiveness

  • 4. foggy

  • 5. thirsty

Research/Writing: Write a How-To Article


  • 1 Research Earthquake Safety How can families prepare for an earthquake? Use magazines, books, or the Internet to find out.

      Internet InsideNG.com
    • Illustration of an arrow inside blue dot. Find out about earthquake preparedness.

  • 2 Write a Safety Article Give an explanation of how to prepare for an earthquake. Write a list of steps that people can follow to stay safe at home if an earthquake happens. Put the steps in order.

  • 3 Read the Article Read your article to the class. Ask your listeners to name one thing they learned from your explanation.

For safety, a water heater should be attached to the wall properly.

For safety, a water heater should be attached to the wall properly.