Reading Fluency

Practice Expression: “Fleeing Katrina”

Expression in reading is how you use your voice to express feeling. Use this passage to practice reading with proper expression. Print a copy of this passage from to help you monitor your progress.

I went home. But it wasn’t home. Home isn’t really there anymore.

Mud was caked everywhere on the ground. Things were brown and gray, not green as they used to be. It was like I stepped into some other reality. This wasn’t the St. Bernard I remembered.

We turned into my neighborhood, and it was strange. Usually, I see green grass, green bushes, green shrubs, and trees. Now, the salt water had killed all of those things. It was brown now, an old, dry brown.

Dad stopped the truck in the middle of the street, and we spilled out.

When mom walked onto the porch and looked through the front room door, I knew she wasn’t expecting what she saw. And the smell was horrible. Mold and rotten food and mud scents mixing together.