Practice Intonation: “Earthquake”

Intonation is the rise and fall in the pitch or tone of your voice as you read aloud. Use this passage to practice reading with proper intonation. Print a copy of this passage from to help you monitor your progress.

In the early dawn, confused and frightened, we gathered at Portsmouth Square. All of Chinatown must have been there.

“You must go to Golden Gate Park!” shouted the policeman.

“The city is on fire. Go quickly now!”

Dark smoke hurt our eyes. Gritty dust filled the air, our mouths and noses, too.

The earth shook again. We stopped, and watched in fear as buildings crumbled around us.

Elder Brother, Younger Brother, and I cleared a path for the cart carrying MaMa and PoPo and our belongings.

We were hot and thirsty until we shed the extra clothing and drank some cold tea.

In the early-morning rush to leave, we had not eaten anything. PoPo gave us crackers and dried fruit.

Up the steep hills, across the city, we pushed and pulled the heavy cart.