Language and Grammar, continued



Use Pronouns as Subjects

A pronoun refers to a noun. A subject pronoun is a pronoun that is the subject of a sentence.

Subject PronounExample Sentence
  • • Use I to talk about yourself.

  • • Use we to talk about another person and yourself.

  • I study ocean animals.

  • Lisa and I read books about the ocean. We study the photos.

  • • Use you to talk to another person.

  • • Use you also to talk to more than one person.

  • You are a good photographer.

  • • Class, you are all good photographers.

  • • Use he to talk about one man or boy.

  • • Use she to talk about one woman or girl.

  • • Use it to talk about one thing, place, or idea.

  • • Use they to talk about more than one person, place, thing, or idea.

  • • The diver photographs an octopus. He uses an underwater camera.

  • Lisa studies octopus behavior. She is amazed by their ability to hide.

  • • The octopus squirts ink. It escapes quickly.

  • Octopuses have eight arms. They also have good eyesight.

Practice Together

Say each sentence with the correct subject pronoun.

  • 1. Mark and I study a photo of an octopus. (We/They) are curious.

  • 2. The poison of some octopuses is dangerous. (He/It) can hurt people.

  • 3. The scientist takes a picture of an octopus underwater. (She/They) swims away slowly.

  • 4. Octopuses are not good swimmers. (He/They) use their arms to crawl on the ocean bottom.

Try It!

Write the correct subject pronoun on a card. Then say the sentence and add the pronoun.

  • 5. Octopuses are very smart animals. (We/They) can change how they look.

  • 6. Sometimes an octopus cannot trick its enemy. Then (they/it) uses ink to disappear.

  • 7. A diver examines an octopus. (He/They) wears special gloves.

  • 8. My sister and I want to learn more about octopuses. (We/You) do research on the Internet.

A scientist examines the suckers on an octopus.

A scientist examines the suckers on an octopus.