Group Talk With a group, make a plan for retelling “The Three Chicharrones.” Decide which details to include and who will retell each part. Then do the retelling. Use correct forms of be and have in your story.
Papá tells the three Chicharrones that it is time to go into the big world. Two of the pigs don’t understand why they need to leave.
Study the Models When you write about stories and folk tales you have read, write clear and complete sentences so your reader will understand what you have to say. Remember that a complete sentence has both a subject and a predicate that go together.
Brer Rabbit is a character from folk tales.
Add Sentences Think of two sentences to add to the OK model above. Use complete sentences. Make subjects and verbs agree, or go together.
WRITE ON YOUR OWN Write about a favorite folk tale or other story that you know. Use forms of be and have in some of your sentences. Check your subjects and verbs to be sure they agree.