Rate and Study the Words Rate how well you know each word. Then:
1. Pronounce the word. Say it aloud several times. Spell it.
2. Study the example.
3. Tell more about the word.
4. Practice it. Make the word your own.
1 = I have never seen this word before.
2 = I am not sure of the word’s meaning.
3 = I know this word and can teach the word’s meaning to someone else.
challenge (chal-unj) noun page 228![]() A challenge is something that is difficult to do. It is a challenge to climb a mountain. | contribute (kun-trib-yūt) verb page 232![]() When you contribute to something, you give your time or money. The child contributed money to help people in need. Synonyms: give, provide, donate | involved (in-vahlvd) adjective page 228![]() To get involved is to become a part of something. Many people like to be involved in improving their communities. Related Word: involvement |
leadership (lēd-ur-ship) noun page 230![]() Leadership means guiding others in what to do. A person who helps others shows leadership. Related Words: lead, leader | negative (neg-u-tiv) adjective page 228![]() If you have a negative opinion about something, you don’t like it. My sister was negative about my idea. Antonyms: positive, good | overcome (ō-vur-kum) verb page 233![]() To overcome something is to succeed at something that was difficult. If you used to be afraid of dogs but now you like them, you have overcome your fear. |
positive (pahz-u-tiv) adjective page 229![]() Positive means good or hopeful. If you have a positive attitude, you think things are good. Antonyms: negative, bad | promote (pru-mōt) verb page 229![]() To promote something is to tell others that it is a good thing. The firefighters promote safety to the students. | Practice the Words Work with a partner to complete an Expanded Meaning Map for each Key Word.![]() Expanded Meaning Map |